View the original review on my blog:
“Ms. Fang is the nicest, sweetest teacher at Scary School. She only ate twelve kids last year.”Scary School is absolutely genius! A great paranormal for middle graders.
This book was absolute genius! I wasn't sure what to expect from this book, as it is obviously a middle grade novel. I've only had a few experiences with these kind of novels, and I had mixed feelings about them because it didn't feel right to read it. But with this book, it was funny and I liked reading this! I can easily pass this onto my younger cousins for a read that I know they will enjoy and will want to keep on reading.
I was surprised at how good this book was, to me. I was even a little disappointed when this book finished! It has a brilliant story line that middle graders (and some of you) will love.
Even though I didn't laugh out loud at this novel, I did find it a little funny and was chuckling to myself. But to middle graders, this book would be hilarious and thrilling all at the same time! I love how this book can get through to so many audiences, even though it's meant for younger readers. No matter what review I've already seen about this book, I don't think I've seen a bad review. Scary School appeals to everyone in some small way, and to some more than others as well.

With each new chapter, we see a new character's story presented. We feel so many different things with new chapter and character, yet it is so easy to transition to each character and to meet them all that we don't have trouble going back to characters. In each chapter, we get an inside look on each character in Scary School as well as what they like to do and even some of their troubles. Some things that happen are just freaky, and one (Petunia) just left me stunned thinking W.T.F!!! I was staring at the book for about 5 minutes after I finished reading her story. I'm not too sure how some younger readers will react to her story, but.... it's hard to describe.
No matter what kind of books that you read, this book has something for everyone in it! So... what are you waiting for? GET READING!!
Also, a big thanks to Derek Taylor Kent (the Ghost Whisperer for Derek the Ghost) for sending me this copy for review.